About Todd Gross Jr.
I was born on June 30, 1985 at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. According to my parents, I didn't cry when I was born. I was very quiet and just observed everything that was going around me like "Hello, World! I'm going to dominate you one day!" Haha! Ok...maybe I didn't think that at that time, but it was bound to happen. (And....yes, that is me in the picture to the right....). I have to say, quiet and observant were two most prominent traits in my very early years. 
I didn't grow up poor, but there were times when we had no idea where our next meal was coming from. My father was laid off a few times as I was growing up. Seeing the constant struggle for food and money led me to become conditioned that "hardwork equals struggle". I didn't want to continue to go through life that way, but wasn't really sure of what do do about it. I just remember being told all my life that I need to go to school, get good grades, so that I can get a scholarship to college, go to college for four years, college will give you a good job and I will be living the "American Dream". Well, I didn't see anyone around me that was living that dream...it seemed like more of a nightmare in my opinion! I did planned to do what I was told. I knew no other way.

School was not my idea of fun...especially in the beginning. I remember my 1st day in Kindergarten. My father was dropping me off. I was so scared to be left alone with all of these people. He said, "Alright, T...I have to go to work." I remember throwing down my backpack, running back to him and gripping his jacket for dear life! The teacher walked over to me and said that she had some friends that were playing a fishing game in the corner. I looked over and saw other kids having fun. She said," See, they aren't crying over there! It's all fun!" I thought, "Maybe I can stay...." I walked over to the fishing game. One girl, in particular, stood out to me. She says, "Hi! What's your name?" "My name is TJ." I looked down at the magnetic fish as she smiled at me. She looks at the girl next to her and says, "Aw, he's shy. He's so cute!" That was the day I fell in love! LOL! That same day, I asked my mother, "Mom, how old do you have to be to get married?"  She busted out laughing! I told her who the girl was and that I was ready to get married at 5 years old. Hahaha!

I went through school hearing that I was shy, so I adapted that as a label. A lot of times, I would be overlooked in class until it was time for gym class. I was always taught that action was bigger than words, so that's what was shown in gym class. Sitting in History or Chemistry class didn't appeal to me. They just didn't seem to produce action from my observation. That really affected my grades because I always thought "Is there more to life than this?" My mind would venture outside of the classroom to ponder what else was out there.  Because my grades were so bad, they wanted me to get tested at some facility. After 6 hours of education testing, they determined that I was partially dyslexic and they said that I wouldn't make it through school if I didn't get help. My mother was not happy about the results. Seeing my mother get that angry really bothered me. What bothered me more was that someone who didn't know me was trying to dictate my future.
This really lit a fire in me to prove anyone wrong who said anything against me that I didn't agree with. From that point on, I sat in class and would draw on every paper in my notebook as I listened intently to the teachers. I never read a book at any point in school, never studied anything...I just wanted to prove that I could finish school without doing anything that the facility told me that I needed to do in order to be successful in school. I started getting 100% on quizzes, tests and even end of the year exams without ever reading a book or studying. I ended up graduating with High Honors at a 3.7 GPA. On the ride home from graduation, I looked at my mother and said, "See, mom....I told you they were wrong." The biggest smile happened over in the driver's seat.
Shortly after high school, I decided that I wanted to explore that ambition to find what life was like outside of Baltimore. I ended up joining the United States Navy. The Navy was definitely a culture shock in comparison to how I was raised. I remember one quote that I remembered from school that really stuck with me was: "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most ADAPTABLE to change. -Charles Darwin". Remembering this quote always reminded me to find a way to be adaptive to every situation. Though I had some challenging times in the Navy, I found a way to adapt and overcome. 
I've traveled to over 60 countries while being in and have learned a multitude of skills that has contributed to my success inside and outside of the military. While acquiring these skills, I found that there are a lot of people that are hurting financially, in relationships, and emotionally in the military as well as outside of it. I started to developed a passion to help people in all aspects possible. As this passion increased, I saw that I wasn't living the life that I wanted. I started to look for ways to change my life in order to change the lives of others around me. I started researching coaching programs to get an idea of how I could take action to change the world around me. As I went through the different coaching programs, one program found me as I attended a personal development seminar in Vegas featuring Eric Worre, Tony Robbins, Sir Richard Branson and others.

I applied for GoPro Inner Game Coaching. Which was one of the best decisions of my life especially at that time. I had a family emergency come up and I had to come out of pocket with a lot of money. I wasn't prepared for it, so my financial situation crashed completely. The more coaching I received, the more I saw his life changing in every aspect...especially financially. I really started seeing what it meant to be aware fully or start to. My desire for personal development became an obsession towards helping people better themselves. My coach, Gil McIff, is a certified Personal Development coach and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
Hi my name is Gil McIff. I’m a trainer with GoPro Coaching and I had the privilege of working with Todd for a few months in a one on one capacity. Todd picked up the content, studied it, absorbed it, implemented it and ran with it like few others do. It seemed that all of this was just a part of Todd’s subconscious plan, as it unfolded each week with successes, excitement and enthusiasm. Todd was having the kind of experiences a person should have if they do the work so it wasn’t a surprise.
The amazing thing is that so many people talk the talk but don’t walk the walk; well Todd isn’t one of them.
Todd’s passion for truth and his purpose for serving others makes him not only a great student of this material but also a fantastic guide for anyone sincerely interested in breaking the self imposed boundaries within. 
The practices are impossible not to work. The tools are amazingly valuable and will be lifelong assets. Todd’s clarity with the content is sharp enough that he has had many of his own personal breakthroughs and he’s passionate about sharing it with others. What more could anyone ask for?
If you are considering working with Todd my recommendation would be simply this, Do it!
Coaching changed my life so much that I decided to become a certified coach myself. I constantly receive calls, text messages, voicemail, letters of the clients I've helped saying "Thank you for everything that you've done for me" or "You have no idea how awesome you are!" and I love absolutely love it. I've never felt so fulfilled in my whole life. It is my life purpose: To Help People Experience Self-Mastery and I have committed myself to doing that with every opportunity that comes up. From identifying that purpose, I have formed my Mission Statement, which is: "To be forever innovative and adaptive to changing lives in the most positive ways. To restore value in a world that's losing theirs. To remain bulletproof - in order to make the bulletproof BULLETPROOF ONCE AGAIN!"

That last part of "bulletproof" is for the veterans who are, in my mind, bulletproof, but might not feel like it. They are constantly dealing with transitioning, deployments, making it back to family, etc. I want to help with the transition process especially for those dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or similar instances. I have some family members that have served in the military that suffer with being back in society. I have lost a few brothers and sisters to suicide that was linked to PTSD. I am on a mission to help more people clear that out of their mind and bodies! 

To help me with this, I became a certified Practitioner in NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP). NLP is the connection between processes, language and behavior as well as how to change it be reprogramming neuropathways. I plan on using NLP to change my world which will change the world around me and ultimately change the world entirely! Who is ready to change the world?! Let's go!
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